Corporate Culture-广东飞亚体育集团有限公司

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About usCorporate Culture
About us
company culture
Cultural idea
“Desay has long upheld the principle of “Pursuing the Excellence, Challenging the Limits”,
which manifests Desay people's everlasting efforts and pragmatic goal of Desay and its staff. Harboring great enthusiasm, Desay people strive for perfection in every piece of work to achieve 100% customer satisfaction.

Media for Culture
The main carrier of corporate
culture communication

Cultural Activity
Colorful Afterwork Activities
In more than 20 years of operation, going through the process of starting-up, development and expansion, Desay Corporation has formed its unique and special chara...
22/F,Desay Building,12 West Yunshan Road,Jiangbei,Huizhou,Guangdong,China